something small;

i memorized your print in the universe
& it sang sweeter than your quietest lullaby
you hovered in my peripheral, an orbit all within its own galaxy

there was something manic in your gaze that turned
tingles into thunderous vibrations
you were outlined within my mind & even when you’re not there i can pinpoint you

note: this was written 3 years ago but I deemed it unfit and unfinished but now it’s not so bad. perspective is a weird thing, huh?


the heart demands

the heart feels

the heart wants & it bleeds & it breaks & it cocoons itself together edge by jagged edge

the heart heals

you want to take the piece that once encompassed you?

sure, i don’t need that anyways

you want to take the cornerstone & pray that my foundation doesn’t shake?

fine, i’ll just grow stronger with what i have left

worshipped & loved & wanted &&&

it was being in a sea of commotion to only be laid out to rest in a desert of cosmic chaos

a million degrees but not a fire not a lamp not a sun to be found

if you can’t find the sun, make the sun &

if you can’t make the sun, be the damn sun yourself


it’s in the shades of your supernova that i reside
& it’s within that shadow that i settle, make my home, &
crawl into silence & secretly be unwanted on the darker spectrum of your soul

you rise in the east & i diverge into the west
i take the beaten path of shade & shadow & desire &
warp it into a fracture of humanity that only I know the limits of

do not worry, little bird, ascend into the stratosphere & i shall remain
here, guarding your home until it’s time for me to take flight & soar into the
depths of the universe

it is only with your light that i exist & it’s only with your light that i
cease in belonging


summer lives in your skin & i want to make my home there
sliced open without the desperation of your breath on my lips
or the taste of your soul against mine
memories of us cloud my senses in shades of you.. you.. you

your voice begins with autumn & the echoes resonate
spreading out until it fades & collides with the gravel of space
reverberating particles of our shared spirits into the timeline of the universe
it was supposed to be too big to handle but somehow.. we fit

winter became your heart & it started slow & it started with complete invisibility
war is launched with reasoning, i could not & would not see it
darkness took the light & made a modicum fracture for shadow to seep through
scintillating, it was a homing beacon to ignore less i burned from staring too long

they said your eyes reflected spring & i came to realize it was closer to impersonation
three-hundred-sixty-five days of you still twinkled in the back of my mind & the vapors of your touch caressed me as i dreamed & they say spring is the season of beginnings

summer lives in your skin & i want to make my home there
sliced open without the desperation of your breath on my lips
or the taste of your soul against mine
memories of us cloud my senses in shades of you.. you..

you were the earth until you diminished into eternity

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